Teresa Teng Revealed to Have Been Betrayed and Deeply Hurt Before Her Death

Teresa Teng’s (鄧麗君) former personal housekeeper, Jin Mei (金美), gave her first interview revealing that Teresa had been very open and heartfelt with her. On one occasion when Teresa felt betrayed by someone, she had even cried in her arms.

Recalling the day Teresa passed away, Jin Mei initially did not believe the news, as there were often false rumors. It was only when the radio and TV were flooded with reports that she realized it was true. Jin Mei confessed she was so distraught that her family came to stay with her, and she lived in Teresa’s old house for a while until the Teresa family sold it.

After Teresa’s death, Jin Mei frequently dreamt of her, always in the Hong Kong house, suggesting that Teresa might have been particularly fond of that home and reluctant to leave it. Regarding Teresa’s sudden death, many blamed her then-boyfriend Paul, but Jin Mei suggested, “It might have been Ms. Teresa’s own choice; if she was happy, that’s what matters.” She felt sympathy for Paul, who seemed pitiable and cried when he returned alone from Thailand.

Yesterday marked the 29th anniversary of the legendary singer Teresa Teng’s death, prompting many fans to post tributes. Teresa died suddenly from an asthma attack on May 8, 1995, in Chiang Mai, Thailand, at the age of 42. On May 28, she was laid to rest in Taipei’s Chin Pao San, where her funeral was grandly held.

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