Mavis Hee Concert Organizers Apologize

On April 26th, the organizers of the Mavis Hee (許美靜) concert, Shenzhen Taigu Zhou Culture, apologized for the controversy surrounding the concert, stating, “We failed to properly present this long-awaited reunion with fans after five years, and did not ensure that everyone left the event happy. We deeply apologize.”

On April 20th, singer Mavis Hee held a comeback concert in Nanjing. However, the audience’s anticipated “collective nostalgia of youth” turned into their greatest disappointment. According to attendees, Mavis Hee sang live for only about 30 minutes during the entire concert. The rest of the time was either filled with her manager interacting with the audience or band members performing her hit songs, with her merely by the side of the stage. Disappointed, many attendees filed complaints against the concert organizers and the ticketing platform, demanding refunds.

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