Donnie Yen’s Ex-Wife Zing-Ci Leung’s Retaliation Post-Divorce: A Textbook Case

In the realm of martial arts superstars, while their careers may be adorned with achievements, their love lives often stir controversy. This pattern holds true for Jackie Chan (成龍), Jet Li (李連傑), and Donnie Yen (甄子丹) alike. Unknown to many, Donnie once had a wife from outside the entertainment circle, keeping their marriage under wraps due to her non-celebrity status. The couple met through a mutual friend, sparking a romance that led to a whirlwind marriage just three months into their relationship, showcasing a genuine love between them. However, as time passed and their careers evolved, the initial passion faded.

Donnie Yen and Zing-Ci Leung
Donnie Yen and Zing-Ci Leung during happier times

After marrying, Donnie insisted that Zing-Ci Leung (梁靜慈) quit her job to become a housewife, a decision that sparked marital discord. With Donnie constantly away on set and embroiled in occasional scandals, the distance between the couple grew, eventually leading to their separation after just a year of marriage. Ironically, Zing-Ci discovered she was pregnant post-divorce. Despite Donnie’s insistence on terminating the pregnancy, especially as he moved on with Joey Meng (萬綺雯), Zing-Ci chose to keep the child, feeling betrayed by Donnie’s apparent premeditated divorce and newfound love.

Donnie Yen and Joey Meng
Donnie Yen and Joey Meng

In what seemed like retaliation, Zing-Ci named their son Zhen Wenzhuo (甄文焯), drawing an indirect comparison to Vincent Zhao (趙文卓), Donnie’s rival and a more prominent action star at the time. This move, while subtle, served as a pointed jab at Donnie, given their competitive history. Despite this, Zing-Ci’s care for her son never wavered, highlighting the deep bond between mother and child, in stark contrast to Donnie’s indifference. This was evident when Donnie declined to visit their hospitalized son at 18, citing busyness, only to be spotted enjoying leisure activities.

Donnie Yen's son Zhen Wenzhuo
Zhen Wenzhuo, the son of Donnie Yen, a living symbol of a complex family saga

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