After over three months of captivating audiences, the family-oriented reality show “Love’s Educational Trip,” exclusively crafted by Mango TV, is nearing its finale. In the latest developments, couples like Jin Sha (金莎) & Sun Chengxiao (孙丞潇), Zhu Dan & Zhou Yiwei (朱丹, 周一围), Wang Yanlin & Ai Jianing (王彦霖, 艾佳妮), He Youjun & Xi Mengyao (何猷君, 奚梦瑶), and Wu Qianyu & Shi Boxiong (吴千语, 施伯雄), who are first-time participants in the show, embarked on individual dates after nearly 20 days of group travel. Their private interactions have piqued public interest.
Notably, the celebrity couples featured on the show have been constant sources of buzz. Xi Mengyao’s marriage into a wealthy family has defied expectations of submissiveness, with He Youjun’s love providing her strength. Zhu Dan, often mocked for being overly romantic, has finally shown the world why she unabashedly praises Zhou Yiwei, thanks to his devotion. Wang Yanlin, known for his humor and thoughtfulness, is seen as an ideal husband.
Overall, these three star couples have reversed public opinion through their appearances on the show, earning widespread acclaim. However, the pair that sparked the most controversy is Jin Sha and Sun Chengxiao. The couple revealed a 19-year age gap in the first episode, leading to heated discussions. Sun Chengxiao’s naive behavior, uncharacteristic for a man in his twenties, has led netizens to label him as “pretentiously innocent.”
As the show nears its end, Jin Sha has repeatedly defended her younger boyfriend, even boldly initiating a kiss on the red carpet, which many fans found uncomfortable. Some netizens believe that “love is subjective,” and Jin Sha must understand Sun Chengxiao’s true nature, especially after considering a prenuptial agreement.
Jin Sha’s love life and marriage are her private matters. More important than public opinion are the views of their families. In a recent episode, Sun Chengxiao’s mother wrote a letter to Jin Sha, affirming that true love transcends “status, age, and wealth.” Sun also shared that his grandmother adores Jin Sha, indicating his family’s readiness to welcome her.
The climax of their date saw Sun Chengxiao proposing to Jin Sha without a ring or formal promises. Yet, Jin Sha joyfully accepted, and the couple later revealed plans to meet each other’s parents by the year’s end, with marriage on the horizon.
If all goes well, Jin Sha and Sun Chengxiao’s wedding announcement seems imminent. Netizens have exploded with opinions, questioning Sun’s motives, given his recent college graduation and unstable career. In the upcoming episode, Sun boldly declares his ambition to enter the entertainment industry and win awards, indicating his stint on the show and public appearances with Jin Sha are stepping stones to his career goals.
However, Zhou Yiwei poured cold water on Sun’s ambitions, questioning if winning awards truly proves one’s existence and hinting at the challenges of the entertainment path. Sun was visibly taken aback by Zhou’s blunt statement.
Indeed, while many aspire to enter the lucrative entertainment industry, it’s a field where success relies on talent. Jin Sha can be a valuable connection for Sun, but she cannot be his only support forever.