Life’s unpredictability often strikes with sorrow, especially as the year draws to a close. Following the tragic suicide of TVB’s favorite foreign actor, Gregory Charles Rivers (河国荣), due to depression, another heartbreaking news has surfaced. On February 3rd, the esteemed actor Cheng Kai Tai (郑启泰) passed away, leaving the world far too soon at the age of 56.
Metro Broadcast Corporation released the news of Cheng Kai Tai’s demise. According to the announcement, Cheng experienced abdominal pain and leg cramps on the evening of February 2nd. The next morning, he was rushed to the ICU of Ruttonjee Hospital for emergency treatment but unfortunately fell into a coma. Despite the unwavering support from his family and friends by his side, Cheng Kai Tai departed this world at dusk.
The news of Cheng’s passing has left netizens in deep sorrow, as he was on the brink of celebrating two joyous occasions. Just on February 1st, Cheng Kai Tai announced two significant events. Firstly, he was returning to Metro Broadcast Corporation, where he had devoted over 20 years of his career, and secondly, he joyfully shared his recent successful engagement proposal to his girlfriend, two weeks prior.
Moreover, Cheng was eagerly awaiting his 57th birthday on February 13th. The abrupt departure from his work, fiancée, and impending birthday has left fans and colleagues in profound grief, a stark reminder of life’s fragile and fleeting nature.